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Housing Choice Voucher Tenants

The Housing Choice Voucher program (commonly known as Section 8) helps people with low incomes rent homes on the private market.

Most households pay 30%, or up to 40% (in the first year) of their adjusted monthly income for rent and utilities and agree to abide by rules and regulations in order to remain in compliance with the program and keep their rental assistance. EHA then pays the remainder of the monthly rent directly to the landlord.  All subsidized units must meet and maintain certain standard levels of housing quality and maintenance. 

If you are on the voucher waiting list and need to update your information, visit our RENTCafé applicant portal.

Working on your intake certification or annual recertification? The certification gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your eligibility for housing assistance. You will provide information about your household, and then upload supporting documentation to verify that information. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this PDF for instructions on how to complete your intake certification or annual recertification.

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