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Resident Advisory Board Meeting on EHA’s Annual Plan for 2021-22

Date Posted: 11/17/2020
Category: Public Notice

December 9, 2020 -- 6 to 7:30 P.M.

Everett Housing Authority (EHA) invites Voucher Program and Public Housing participants to join the Resident Advisory Board (RAB)! EHA is developing its Annual Plan that will be effective July 1, 2021, and it needs the RAB's input as part of that process. The RAB's role is to provide comment on activities and policy initiatives EHA will be pursuing in order to achieve its 5 Year Goals and Objectives, and to recommend any other areas of focus or specific activities to include in the Annual Plan. The meeting is optional, but your voice is important.  Please consider attending! 

In order to decrease the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, this year's Resident Advisory Board meeting will be held remotely by videoconference and telephone. Participants can join the 12/9 meeting starting at 6 PM via Zoom videoconference by clicking here.

If prompted, enter Meeting ID 979 6939 3814 and passcode 307559


If you prefer to call into the meeting, please dial: (253) 215-8782. Then use meeting ID 979 6939 3814 and passcode 307559. There are no participant IDs so please press # to enter the meeting.

The first 10 households that respond to this notice (RSVP to Chris Neblett via email or (425) 626-0108) and attend the meeting will receive a $20 Safeway gift card!

Requests for interpretation or disability-related accommodations can be arranged by contacting Chris Neblett at (425) 303-1186, or email, by 5 p.m., Wednesday, December 2.

If you have any questions about the RAB meeting, please contact Chris Neblett via email or by telephone, at (425) 626-0108.

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