Pepperwood Apartments

Pepperwood Apartments

Housing Program Type: Senior and Affordable Housing
Unit Quantity and Type:

25 units: 10 one-bedroom, 15 two-bedroom

Property Description:

Pepperwood is located in Lynnwood on the corner of Scriber Lake Road and 200th St SW and serves adults 55 years of age and older. There are 10 one-bedroom and 15 two-bedroom apartments with dishwashers in every apartment.  On-site laundry facilities and parking are available to Pepperwood residents, and elevators provide easy access to all four floors.  The property is located on bus lines and close to shopping.

The community room on the first floor has a full kitchen and can be reserved for private or group activities such as potlucks. 

Office Hours: Please call for an appointment

Property Leasing Contact: Kelcie Rucker,, 425-339-1029 

Property Manager: JD Hackett,, 425-339-1014

Resident Services Coordinator: Jeannie Choi, 425-551-0938

Waiting List Opening:

Check the waiting list status here.